1.Git for Windows 64bit ダウンロード元(https://git-scm.com/download/win)からダウンロード

① インストーラを実行

② 「Next」を選択

③ インストール先を指定して「Next」を選択

④ インストールオプションを指定して「Next」を選択

⑤ メニューフォルダー名を指定して「Next」を選択

⑥ 編集用のエディターを指定して「Next」を選択

⑦ 初期ブランチ名を指定して「Next」を選択

⑧ PATH環境の適用範囲を指定して「Next」を選択

⑨ 使用するSSHを指定して「Next」を選択

⑩ 改行コードを指定して「Next」を選択

⑪ ターミナルエミュレーターを指定して「Next」を選択

⑫ Git Pullの挙動を指定して「Next」を選択

⑬ 認証情報管理について指定して「Next」を選択

⑭ その他のオプションを指定して「Next」を選択

⑮ 実験的オプションを選択して「Install」を選択

⑯ 「Finish」を選択

① リリースノート(今Version差分抜粋)
These release notes describe issues specific to the Git for Windows release. The release notes covering the history of the core git commands can be found in the Git project.
See http://git-scm.com/ for further details about Git including ports to other operating systems. Git for Windows is hosted at https://gitforwindows.org/.
Known issues
Should you encounter other problems, please first search the bug tracker (also look at the closed issues) and the mailing list, chances are that the problem was reported already. Also make sure that you use an up to date Git for Windows version (or a current snapshot build). If it has not been reported, please follow our bug reporting guidelines and report the bug.
Changes in v2.41.0
since v2.40.1 (April 25th 2023)
As announced previously, Git for Windows will drop support for Windows 7 and for Windows 8 in one of the next versions, following Cygwin’s and MSYS2’s lead (Git for Windows relies on MSYS2 for components such as Bash and Perl).
Following the footsteps of the MSYS2 and Cygwin projects on which Git for Windows depends, the 32-bit variant of Git for Windows is being phased out. As of Git for Windows v2.41.0, the 32-bit variant of the POSIX emulation layer (known as “MSYS2 runtime”, powering Git Bash among other components shipped with Git for Windows) is in maintenance mode and will only see security bug fixes (if any). Users relying on 32-bit Git for Windows are highly encouraged to switch to the 64-bit version whenever possible.
Please also note that the code-signing certificate used to sign Git for Windows’ executables was renewed and may cause Smart Screen to show a warning until the certificate has gained a certain minimum reputation.
New Features
- Comes with Git v2.41.0.
- Comes with OpenSSH v9.3p1
- Comes with MinTTY v3.6.4.
- The Git for Windows installer now also includes the Git LFS documentation (i.e.
git help git-lfs
now works). - Comes with Perl v5.36.1.
- Comes with GNU Privacy Guard v2.2.41.
- Comes with Git Credential Manager v2.1.2.
- Comes with MSYS2 runtime (Git for Windows flavor) based on Cygwin 3.4.6. (This does not extend to 32-bit Git for Windows, which is stuck with v3.3.* of the MSYS2 runtime forever.)
- To help with Git for Windows’ release mechanics, Git for Windows now ships with two variants of
. - Comes with cURL v8.1.2.
- Comes with OpenSSL v1.1.1u.
Bug Fixes
- Git GUI’s
Repository>Explore Working Copy
was broken since v2.39.1, which has been fixed. - The MSYS2 runtime was adjusted to prepare for an upcoming Windows version.
